Antique and Sports cars visit La Estancia

Antique and Sport cars’ fans and collectors gathered for La Gran Carrera, a touristic competition, which four stages took place in Tucuman, Salta and Jujuy. La Gran Carrera is reserved for classic cars, however any car can participate. This race is an opportunity to enjoy friendship and fellowship with those who share the passion for cars. These fans gather to not only enjoy the beautiful scenery that Northern Argentina offers, but for the numerous social events that are offered along the way.  The drivers enjoyed a breakfast on the patio of the clubhouse of La Estancia de Cafayate.  Owners watched the cars as they passed down the main road where one of their “timing tests” was located.  For more information on participating in the next Gran Carrera, please visit

Autos de Colección visitaron  La Estancia

Del 24 al 27 de abril, los aficionados y coleccionistas, amantes de las carreras de regularidad, se reunieron en La Gran Carrera, una competencia turístico-deportiva que en sus cuatro jornadas de desarrollo unió las provincias de Tucumán, Salta y Jujuy.  La Gran Carrera está reservada para autos Sport Clásicos, pero también cualquier otro auto puede participar.  La carrera es un momento para disfrutar de amistades y compañerismo, con personas con la misma pasión. Los fanáticos de los autos no solamente se juntaron para apreciar los increíbles paisajes del Norte Argentino sino también para disfrutar de numerosos eventos sociales a lo largo del camino.  Los pilotos disfrutaron de un desayuno en el patio del clubhouse de la Estancia de Cafayate que se preparo especialmente para todas las personas que asistieron a este evento. Los propietarios pudieron apreciar los autos mientras pasaban por la ruta principal donde se encontraba una de las pruebas cronometradas. Para más información sobre La Gran Carrera visite

Antique and Sports cars visit La Estancia

Antique and Sport cars’ fans and collectors gathered for La Gran Carrera, a touristic competition, which four stages took place in Tucuman, Salta and Jujuy. La Gran Carrera is reserved for classic cars, however any car can participate. This race is an opportunity to enjoy friendship and fellowship with those who share the passion for cars. These fans gather to not only enjoy the beautiful scenery that Northern Argentina offers, but for the numerous social events that are offered along the way.  The drivers enjoyed a breakfast on the patio of the clubhouse of La Estancia de Cafayate.  Owners watched the cars as they passed down the main road where one of their “timing tests” was located.  For more information on participating in the next Gran Carrera, please visit

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